Do you love riding your bike?
Would you like to discover new places, make new riding friends, and see new things?
Jett’s Fun-Ride is exactly that, fun! Bring your bike, helmet and a sense of adventure. Members of the Jett team will lead the group on a casual ride to historical landmarks and places of interest and provide technical support as needed on the way.
There are no fees to join, no appointments to make. Just show up at the place and time mentioned and be ready to go.

What you need to bring
·         Bike – In good working order.
·         Helmet
·         Sunblock and sunglasses
·         Money – All food and drink along the way, or other costs, are at the rider’s expense.

Let’s have a look at some pictures and videos about Fun Ride.

We are ready for next time. How about you?

Check our next FUN RIDE on Facebook or website. Stay tuned!


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